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Welcome to the FSI Regional Network Coordinators Hub

To access this webpage you must be signed in as a Regional Network Coordinator. Scroll down to find Resources, forms and and the manuals.

workshops, display tabels & PATHs

Please find below documents and resources you will need in Regional Network Coordinator role.                                                       

Monthly RNC video call meetings:

(To join the video call, click on the link that will be shared via email on the day of the meeting.)




Monthly Reporting:

Important Resources/Information:

RNC Processes/ Internal Information:


RNC Compensation for Time in Trainings

Approaches in Indigenous Engagement R.Alden

Food per diem guidelines

Process for ordering resources

Workshops, display tables & PATHs

Strategies for RP Engagement

Getting in front of families

FSI Flip book link

About FSI Power Point download link

Stock email/letters:

Welcome Package resources for Print:

WORKSHOPS brochure small

WelcometoHolland and Celebrating Holland

Welcome Brochure- letter from board and staff (1)

CURRENT – FSI Free Publications – Portrait

Power Point presentations:

What is FSI overall presentation 2018 FINAL

Admin Docs:

New Resource Parent Forms:

Sharing about FSI and the RP/RFM role:

Welcoming family to the RP/RFM role:


MCFD regions vs FSI regions

For suggestions on how to improve this section, please contact Franceska at .